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Engineering Library

Biblioteca di Ingegneria Enzo Ferrari (BUST)

Subject Area: Engineering (Automotive, Environmental, Meteorological, Civil, Computer Science, Mechanical and Telecommunications)

Via Vivarelli 10, 41125 Modena

T: +39 059 205 6175

Standard Opening Hours

  • Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00

Check our profile on BiblioMore catalogue for closing periods and short time opening hours

Some services are available on reservation.

For information and tutorials check this page or the library website.


Engineering Services


Students: 3 books, 30 days (extendable twice, 30 days)

Students at 5th year: 5 books (extendable twice, 30 days)*

Teachers and Researches (DIEF only): 10 books, 90 days (extendable twice, 90 days)

Applicants for engineering professional qualification: 5 books, 30 days (extendable once, 15 days)*

Others: 1 book, 15 days (extendable once, 15 days)

*By request only

Excluded Material

Thesis, journals, standards, dictionaries, encyclopaedias.

Document Delivery

The service is reserved to DIEF students, teachers an researchers and it is free of charge.

You can submit your request via Nilde platform, where you can login with your Unimore credentiales (Idem Garr-login function). You will be notified when the document is available at the library desk. We can supply only printed version of the requested journal articles.

It is not possibile to ask document delivery on standards, like UNI or ISO.

Average supply time: 3 days

Interlibrary Loan

The service is reserved to DIEF students, teachers an researchers and it is free of charge.

You can ask for books any other italian library owns. Libraries located in the city of Modena are excluded.

2 books for 30 days (extensions depend on the supplying library)

Average supply time: 4 days for books from Reggio Emilia Unimore library, 7 days for others